Enough is Enough

Feb 18, 2007 18:39

Ok, ok.... enough is enough.

Here is my official petition to put a restraint on the amount of School Time posts. Though I find it as adorable as the next avatard, the amount of posts about it is ridiculous. Of course, there are those who disagree with my opinion, so I'll put my proposal under a cut. I did it all professional like.

Having devoted attention to the sudden congestion of posts at Avatar_fans
Keeping in mind the cuteness of the recent minisode focusing on the chibi Avatarverse
Confident in the ability of the of this community to regain its head with the right amount of prompting

This Avtatard :
Calls for the temprence of School icons and discussion posts
Supports creative license in moderation
Calls upon the support of those who agree with my position

kthnxbye (That part isn't part of normal procedure)
*cowers from the hoards of angry fangirls*
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