Title: Better Served Cold
Author: moonyalice515
Rating: K+
Words: 165
Genre: General
Char/Pair: Kuzon, mentions of Aang
Summary: Many in the Fire Nation are glad to hear of the genocide of the Air Nomads, but not one boy.
The young boy, a few weeks over thirteen, slammed the door to his room. Cowardly, bitter tears hanging in golden eyes and slipping down his pale cheeks.
All round him, people were talking and smiling and laughing and shouting. They were all happy that Sozin had killed them, those gentle monks.
There were no more!
He would never call that wretched old man his fire lord. He would never listen to his teachers call that horrible crooked man great and his friend weak and useless.
Kuzon screamed into his horribly soft goose-duck feather pillow. He hated this country. He hated his own home with the same passion that had taken Aang away, had taken them all away from the world.
He began throwing things into a little cloth bag. He had to get away. He was running away from all those murderous smiles.
Sozin and his brutes had massacred them. The fire in his hands was now Kuzon’s enemy.
Sozin would pay.
His very nation would pay.