Title: Her Choice To Make
Author: Omoni
Rating: K
Words: 228
Genre: General
Char/Pair: Mai, Zuko, Azula, Ty Lee
Warning: Spoilers for Zuko Alone and DOBS Part 2.
Summary: Ursa walks away from everything she ever had.
Her Choice To Make
A silent figure slowly made its way from the tall, imposing figure bathed in early morning darkness, the sun barely lipping the horizon before it. The figure, heavily cloaked in robes the colour of the skies above, made its way from the Palace as if walking upon air. Not a sound could be heard from the footsteps, not a breath of air or a whisper of cloth.
When the figure clear the capitol city and was now on the outskirts, it slowly turned back, now uttering a gusty sigh that brought the shoulders down and the hands unclench. One hand slowly made its was up and pulled the hood away, revealing the pale face of Princess Ursa. She looked at the place that was once her home with very little emotion. Out of anyone, one would think that she had the most emotion to feel, but she felt nothing. Nothing, except ... the slow burning feeling of chance, of opportunity.
Ursa hadn't seen the outside world in close to two decades, so seeing it now was something of a shock. She had expected it to be changed, but it was the same as it was when she first set foot on this soil. Back then she had been a naive and eager young bride. Now, she felt ancient, jaded, and her eagerness was aimed towards the road leading away.