She waited there for hours.
She kicked pebbles with her feet and drew pictures on the hard dirt of the cave walls until he couldn‘t distinguish between the ground and her hand. She tore boulders from ceilings and smashed in ugly tunnels from long ago.
She teased wolf bats, sneaking up on them and then screaming, startling them away. They’re great rubbery wings beating and rough paws shaking the ground. Her voice chased them for miles, and sometimes caught up with her again. It always made her giggle.
She played hide and seek with the looming badger moles, great beasts she called friends. She laughed and hugged herself into their warm fur, as comforting as her mother’s embrace. They nuzzled her back gently.
She liked to run down other passageways, running past rock after rock, pulling the luminous crystals down with her hands and pretending she could fly. Sometimes she just wouldn’t stop running for hours, because she wasn’t running anymore, the earth was moving under her own still feet.
Once she came across a small alcove in one of her tunnels, where very few crystals shone. Small plants grew there, up the walls, forcing their way to the sun. She loved the way the darkness made the flowers shine, they’re dull colors becoming bright and cheerful in the lack of light.
He used to whisper in her ear that they were like the tiny things in between miles of dull earth. He would tuck her hair behind pink ears and say they’re love bloomed underground too, and so would out live all the others because it was strong enough to thrive, no sun needed. She would fall asleep to that lullaby and dream about towering flowers that grew taller than trees and blind monsters that sang to her.
After remembering this, she fell to her knees and wept, because he had not come for her in two days.
Title: Gone
Author: moonyalice515
Rating: K
Words: 319
Genre: Gen
Char/Pair: Oma and Shu
Smmary: Nothing last forever, even the Earth.