Title: Seeing Red
Author: Somariel
Rating: T
Words: 208
Genre: Gen
Char/Pair: Ozai
Warnings: None
Summary: Ozai is furious when Zuko confronts him.
“I’m not taking orders from you anymore.”
“He’s the one who’s been a real father to me.”
“I’m going to join the Avatar. And I’m going to help him defeat you.”
Zuko’s words dinned in on Ozai from all sides. He could not believe it. His son, who had always been so eager to please him, was defying him. His son, who had always been so desperate for his approval, was declaring Iroh to be his real father. His son was going to join the Avatar, the Fire Nation’s greatest enemy.
Seething, Ozai offered the one piece of bait that he knew would make his son stay long enough to be killed. As he felt his firebending chi getting stronger, Ozai prepared himself to create lightning.
When Zuko caught the lightning, Ozai was shocked to the core of his being. His son, the firebending failure, had created a defense against lightning.
Looking past the fire burning at the edge of the dais into the empty room, Ozai was furious. His son-no, the traitor, for the boy was no longer any son of his-would live only for as long as it took to capture him and return him to the capital. He would kill the traitor himself.