Title: Moonlight
Author: Silvermoon
Rating: K+
Words: 444
Genre: Hurt/Comfort
Char/Pair: Sokka
Warning: None
Summary: Sokka thinks about Yue in the days following her death.
The white light was frightening. All around him it shone, blazing through nothingness. Everywhere he looked, he saw nothing. When he called out for his friends, he heard nothing. But he did feel something. A terrible chill ran up and down his spine and Sokka wrapped his arms around himself and began to walk in search of shelter. For hours he walked, sort of in a daze, sort of lost, sort of terrified. His eyes darted all around him, desperately searching for something, anything, that would put his mind at ease. Who's that? Even though to him the figure was nothing but a speck of blue in the distance, he could tell it was a person. Yue? It can't be. She was standing in front of him, tears in her eyes. Why is she crying? Sokka wrapped his arms around her in a tender embrace, trying to console her for whatever reason. The princess looked up and him and opened her mouth, as if to say something and then... the white world began to drip with black. Panic gripped the inside of Sokka's chest as Yue's eyes glowed a bright blue. He shouted her name, but the words were lost in the darkness that now enclosed the two. Sokka grabbed for Yue- he needed to get her somewhere safe, he promised her father he would keep her safe. But the second his fingers brushed against her arm, her formed cracked and she shattered; the sound of broken glass dropping to the ground along with the beats of his heart.
Sokka screamed and bolted upright, covered in sweat. His heart was beating fiercely in his chest, his sleeping bag was almost in shreds, and for a moment, he didn't know where he was.
"Sokka, are you okay?" Aang's voice was full of concern and Sokka smiled.
"I'm not okay but I'm sorry I woke you." The young boy nodded before lying back down and Sokka stood. He headed for the trees, with no destination in mind. The night air was cool on his face and he breathed in deeply, trying to fill the emptiness he felt inside. Why'd you do it Yue? Why did it have to be you? Why did i let you go? Sokka looked to the moon.
"I loved you Yue, I loved you more than anything in the world." Even as he spoke, he could feel the softness of her hair, he could hear her gentle voice, he could see her eyes- they were so full of life. Why did I have to loose you? The night can survive without the moon, but I don't think I can.