Prompt 30: Pirate: The Heroic Tales of Sokka and Zuko by moonyalice, rated K

Jun 11, 2011 23:25

Title: The Heroic Tales of Sokka and Zuko
Author: moonyalice
Rating: K
Words: 500 exactly
Genre: Gen
Characters: Sokka, Zuko, and a notorious pirate lord 
Summary: "The costumes were Sokka’s idea. That can about sum up the effectiveness of this particular adventure."

The costumes were Sokka’s idea. That can about sum up the effectiveness of this particular adventure.

The costume were supposed to be disguises meant to keep them unnoticed by the public. Of course, it being Sokka, they did the opposite.

Which is now why he and Zuko were dressed in brightly colored trench coats and boots, wearing very large hats adorned with three feathers, and surrounded by a group of angry men coated in banana-melon juice.

“Sokka” the Fire Lord said through his teeth, his hands resting on the dual swords he carried, “Why did you think pushing a fruit cart at them would work?”

“It’s hot and maybe if I cooled them off, they would tell us where that pirate lord is.” was the answer.
“Yeah well, look where it’s gotten us. They haven’t even noticed yet that I’m the Fire L-”

“Hey! The tall kid with the scar is the Fire Lord! Get him!” cried a man in the crowd. There was a moment of silence and then the group surged on them.

“Thank for pointing it out, you jerk!” Sokka yelled, both at the man and at Zuko. He held a long sword in his hand and was furiously knocking pirate after pirate away. Zuko was behind him, doing the same.

Sokka thought as hard as he could about a way to get out, since this fight was happening on the docks of the town, and they were running out of land fast. He did not want to have the ‘long walk of a short pier’ experience.

Sokka looked hard at the water ahead of them and thought of something.

When they finally got the very edge of the deck, Sokka stopped and stood in front of his friend. “My good men, please. This fighting is below all of us. Why don’t we just talk it out?”

The pirates leered at them angrily and swords clattered loudly. That’s when a short man somewhere in the crowd cried out and said “I just bought this shirt!”

The mob attacked before Zuko could say “I hate you Sokka.”

He did have a chance to say it however, when both of our heroes had been tied up with rope and slung over the shoulders of two pirates that had never learned to bathe properly.

“I hate you Sokka.”

“It would have worked out if fine if you weren’t the Fire Lord.”

“Maybe if you hadn’t PUSHED A FRUIT CART AT THEM-”

Zuko was cut off when both he and Sokka were pushed through a wooden door and into dimly lit room, completely full of treasure.

“You guys finally made it, I see.” said the notorious pirate that the two had been hunting in the first place.

Sokka began to speak but stopped when he saw that person sitting with her feet on the table, counting gold coins in a very large hat, with a certain lemur on her shoulder.

“Hello boys.” Katara said. “It gets pretty boring when Aang goes away.”

rating: k, prompt 30: pirate, author: moonyalice515

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