Title: One Little Wish
Author: Sensei
Rating: K+
Words: 100
Genre: Canon youthful (fluffy) desire
Char/Pair: Aang/Katara
Warning: None
Summary: Aang finds he has wishes beyond his destiny, sweet little fella.
Aang had hopes. And the harder he worked to hone to mastery his skills in the four elements, the crueler seemed the smaller desire that pressed upon him. One little wish above all. He wondered how he could be so occupied with his destiny, and still feel such a weight upon him whenever she was near. His cheeks flamed! His confidence toppled! Oh, powerful, beautiful Katara! Why was it that his soul cried out so foolishly for a tiny touch of those lips against his own? Blushing adoration drove him, far beyond his youthful ability to understand its undying power.