Title: Senseless Love 1/1 Author: Avaritia_90 Spoilers: Season 3 Rating: PG Word Count: Disclaimer: I do not own Community Summary: This is a small prompt for Ficcy Friday from
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Aw thank you so much! It honestly warms my heart to hear that. (-and also pumps up my ego just a tad more) I have been out of the writing for Community for basically all of season three, but I do wish to try and write again. So if you have any prompts feel free to share them. As it is, my inspiration well of ideas is sorta dry and I only had been working on one major community fic that may or may not ever see the light of day (it is, sadly, on my broken laptop) -which was a weird ass crossover of Community and Labyrinth.
Its critically depressed.lol -When writing it, it was less of a fancy way of saying it and more of how Jeff is. He's not really clinically depressed, his ego's just been shot to hell (a critical shot) -but his ego is everything.
Comments 4
And this was another awesome little ficlet. In love with everything.
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