Hey Everyone

Oct 20, 2014 17:54

Dropping in 6 months since my last life post to give you an update. 6 months ago I had just finished student teaching and had applied for a job. I didn't get the job, didn't even get called for an interview. I was pretty disappointed about the lack of interview. But, what are you going to do? I also didn't get my summer job back, quite a bit of ( Read more... )


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Comments 2

kirasha October 21 2014, 15:10:27 UTC
*hugz* Hope you feel better, soon, sweetie! Sounds like life's been smacking you around some. But, it's good to see you here when you can. <3


avari_maethor October 21 2014, 20:54:49 UTC
Thanks! Yeah...life has been a bitch the last couple of years. I'm working on making it better, but as with anything, it's hard.


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