Drabble: By any Other Name

Aug 08, 2010 22:41

Fandom: Twilight
Pairing: Marcus/Seth
Prompt: By any other name…

“Bambino di lupo.”

Seth flinched away from the quietly sneered words. He dared to look up at the vampire that had spoken. Bright red eyes were watching him with disdain but more than anything those eyes were void of everything.

“Pain.” The word was only whispered but Seth felt its full effect. “Never look any of us in the eye dog.”

Seth tried not to scream, but he failed.


“Bambino di lupo.”

The words did not carry the same amount of distain that they had a year ago but Seth still shied away from them. It had taken months to break him but now he didn’t bring his eyes any higher than any of the Volturi’s waist. Seth closed the book he was holding and tilted his head to show he was listening.

Marcus watched the wolf child. He couldn’t let any of his fellow Volturi know but he hated the fact that the boy was so quiet now. When he had first arrived in Volterra the wolf child had been staring all around him in wonder, asking millions of questions even though no one was answering him. There was a…light about him.

Now that light had dimmed.

“Would you like me to translate what that book says? You may speak.”

Seth took a cautious step forward, his fingers tightening on the book in his hand. “Would you?”


“Bamino di lupo.”

Seth groaned softly as he turned toward the soft voice, he no longer cringed at those three words. He had been having wonderful dreams about the owner of said voice. Five years with the Volturi and two of being Marcus’ lover allowed him that.

“Yeah?” He questioned sleepily.

Cold lips pressed against Seth’s. A shock went through his body starting at his lips. It was rare that Marcus woke him in the middle of the night… even rarer for something like this. But the kiss remained sweet. Seth groaned in disappointment as Marcus pulled away.

Marcus smiled as he ran his fingers through Seth’s hair. “I just wanted a taste to last me through the night my little bamino di lupo.”

“What does that mean?” Seth questioned looking up at Marcus. He still couldn’t bring himself to look in Marcus’ eyes; even two years of being Marcus’ lover hadn’t fixed that. His eyes remained fixed on Marcus’ chin.

“What does what mean?” Marcus asked, his fingers still curling through Seth’s hair.

“Bamino di lupo, you’ve never told me.” Five years in Italy and he still hadn’t learned Italian. He preferred Marcus reading it to him.

Marcus leaned forward and captured Seth’s lips again. “It means you.”


“Bamino di lupo is Italian for wolf child, which you are.”

“What does that make you?”

“Vampiro,” Marcus answered.

Seth pouted. “Yours sounds cooler.”

Marcus laughed.

status: complete, rating: pg, pairing: marcus/seth, length: drabble, media: fanfic, fandom: twilight, slash

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