So I've discovered the interesting world of podcasts via my iPhone and now I'm listening my way through 'Welcome to Night Vale' which is odd and all sorts of weird. I blame Pinterest for the interest in it since that place is bombarded with references to the series at times and since those references tend to amuse me I've decided to give it a go
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Comments 6
And yay you for working on your original stuff. :) And I don't see anything wrong with creating your own city for it to take part in. Other writers do it all the time, so why not you?
I'm working my way through a concept of building an entire city. It seems time consuming and possibly very headache inducing, but that's on par with learning a shit ton about a city I don't live anywhere near. I want a city with four seasons dammit! :D
Yay writing!
Yay indeed! How goes your own writing?
Reply's not. I just get home from work and don't want to do anything except eat dinner and watch TV. Work's been killing my muse.
I know you're one of the mods there and the site has been down all day. Is something wrong? I've tried to e-mail JoeHundredaire and JRabbit, but I haven't heard back from them yet. I imagine I'm scarcely the only one rather concerned, so I was hoping that you might know something.
Thank You,
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