Series Title: Thistle and Sinew Title: A Dying Slayer Word Count: 8200 Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Vampire Diaries Prompt: #345 avulsion @ tamingthemuseWarning: character death - technically
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I'm so excited about this verse you're creating. I think you captured Buffy's worries, concerns, confusion, and even terror over what's happening to her and the choice she has to make. Not an easy one for anyone to make, and especially not for a slayer.
You already know that I adore your Cordy and I love how she just keeps things normal for Buffy. Still Miss Tactless, but definitely showing the signs of how she grew as a person on the show. Sometimes I think she inserts things just for the tension breaking that needs to be done. :D
and I adore this Wesley as well. Supporting her and giving her the information he has to help her make a decision.
I'm totally looking forward to the ride this series is going to take me on. :D
I have a feeling this verse is going to end up being very involved. :) Buffy's reaction was the hardest part since she's not going to want to die, but she also wouldn't want to become a monster. It was hard figuring out which would suit her personality best when both options are blatantly out of character without the right build up.
Cordy is a tricky character but she is fun to write. I get to make the snarky comments I think about the characters through her. ;)
Early A:tS's Wesley always reminded me a bit of Tara. Always wanting to please those around them until they got their own voice. Plus he had the least interaction with Buffy of all the characters, but was in the place to see her the clearest.
Hopefully it's a fun ride. I'm going to attempt to make it less angst and more action driven if possible, but I'm sure the first few stories will be heavy on the angst since Buffy will have just died for the Scoobies. ;)
Love this so much. Wesley's compassion was a welcomed change. So many have Buffy and Wes hating each other. I think they could have a very interesting dynamic, possibly pairing.
Yay! I'm glad you liked it. I think Wesley was the most competent of the characters present to give a valid argument for her continued existence and he was the only one that would have traveled enough to have possibly met Lexi. :)
While I'm partial to later seasons' Wesley (when he's been hardened by his trials and tribulations) I think early seasons' Wesley has a lot of charm.
Comments 4
I'm so excited about this verse you're creating. I think you captured Buffy's worries, concerns, confusion, and even terror over what's happening to her and the choice she has to make. Not an easy one for anyone to make, and especially not for a slayer.
You already know that I adore your Cordy and I love how she just keeps things normal for Buffy. Still Miss Tactless, but definitely showing the signs of how she grew as a person on the show. Sometimes I think she inserts things just for the tension breaking that needs to be done. :D
and I adore this Wesley as well. Supporting her and giving her the information he has to help her make a decision.
I'm totally looking forward to the ride this series is going to take me on. :D
I have a feeling this verse is going to end up being very involved. :) Buffy's reaction was the hardest part since she's not going to want to die, but she also wouldn't want to become a monster. It was hard figuring out which would suit her personality best when both options are blatantly out of character without the right build up.
Cordy is a tricky character but she is fun to write. I get to make the snarky comments I think about the characters through her. ;)
Early A:tS's Wesley always reminded me a bit of Tara. Always wanting to please those around them until they got their own voice. Plus he had the least interaction with Buffy of all the characters, but was in the place to see her the clearest.
Hopefully it's a fun ride. I'm going to attempt to make it less angst and more action driven if possible, but I'm sure the first few stories will be heavy on the angst since Buffy will have just died for the Scoobies. ;)
While I'm partial to later seasons' Wesley (when he's been hardened by his trials and tribulations) I think early seasons' Wesley has a lot of charm.
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