extraspatial hide'n'seek! :o)rokkitzAugust 24 2003, 11:28:49 UTC
wow cool! congrats, it's a freakin' tough read (or so i remember)... the other day, em & me were riding down Euclid St. and i spontaneously started spouting all sorts of stuff about Eculidean geometry and a mathematician named Riemann in "1854" (i don't know why i remembered this all) was working in developing non-Euclidean spaces... after you posted that, i flipped open my copy and found where Riemann source was hiding... apparently i remember a few things from that book, but in a hazy holographic sort of way.
could you send some annotated photos of paint mappings? ;o)
Comments 4
a beautiful dreamscape.
could you send some annotated photos of paint mappings? ;o)
RE: "I'm still not clear on what happened or if I personally did something wrong...
but I've tried to let it go."
By far the best thing ... clarity is so very evasive.
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