Title: Adventures in Airborne Travel
Series: 100 Original Fics
Character: Fox Maharassa
Author: Avarice
Prompt: 006 - Hours
Rating: PG
Pairing: Fox/Collin
Spoilers: Post FH strips
Summary: The 2nd of Fox's articles/blog posts about his birthday trip to Hawaii.
Word Count: 1245
Date First Posted: 10-09-2011
Date Revised: -
Beta: Ladielazarus
Awards: -
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Comments 4
Loved it, as ever!
meanwhile, thanks for the reminder of the booze! I was writing the next one and I thought something was missing -- that's IT :D You are awesome *hifive*
So far I've had okay luck with people on airplanes. (I really would have been fine sitting next to the mother and her one-year-old, but the grandmother wanted to switch and I was also fine with that.) (And then there was Interesting Possibly-French Man, who looked at me oddly when I started reading the annual report for General Electric but didn't say anything, possibly because all he had brought to read were fashion magazines.) (And I-Don't-Like-Fish, who gave me all of his smoked salmon in exchange for all of my lettuce when breakfast was salad with fish on top, and who then proceeded to pass the news that I liked fish to his friends nearby, who then gave me all of their fish for free, and to make a long story short I was full of delicious smoked fishies when we landed.) The flights themselves have mostly been fine.
But I have heard horror stories, and this is delightful. They are both so in character, and I am sort of loving Stan. I'm looking forward to reading more of these.
But I've always loved Fox's freak magnet tendencies. :D He's never minded really, being a bit left of centre himself, but it's certainly something that Collin has great difficulty dealing with.
If you ever feel like throwing me some suggestions for what should happen next, feel free!
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