Reporting Word Counts

Aug 15, 2009 14:06

Word Count Reporting

Do I need to report my word count every day?

If you can, that'd be awesome. If not no big deal. We just need them in by Mondays because that's when we'll be calculating the Top 10 in word count.

If I can't report every day then what do I do?

Just keep track of your word count for each day that you wrote then when you can report your counts, find the correct post in autumnwrite AND your team comm and comment with your word counts.

Do I need to report my counts to BOTH autumnwrite AND my seasonwrite team?

Yes, you do. We need counts in both places because we do individual awards and team awards. If we only have your counts in autumnwrite then you'll be set for earning the individual awards, but won't have your name on the banners if your team wins an award. Everyone is valuable to their team and we want to recognize that. So please post your counts to autumnwrite and your seasonwrite team!

When do my word counts need to be in?

Mondays 12 p.m. PST / 3 p.m. EST / 7 p.m. GMT for people on teams. If you're not on a team, there's no real deadline. Though, we'd love to have your counts as soon as possible to make sure you earn the awards you deserve.

Can I stockpile words?

No, but we're on the honor system here so if you say you wrote them when you wrote them, we'll believe you. This will be the case unless there are cases of extreme word counts. Basically, if a count comes into question, we may ask to see proof of your work. This will only happen in extreme cases and when members request a word count check since we are giving out awards.

What about this team reporting stuff?

You can do the same thing you do for reporting your individual counts to autumnwrite, but to your seasonwrite community.

Why does it matter?

It matters for those on teams because the way we've structured how team points are calculated we need to know the number of words written by a team per day and the number of people who reported. This way you have the whole week to spread out your quota without it counting against you. It's also so that your team doesn't get penalized if you didn't get quota on every single day but made it up sometime during the week.

Say on Day 1 you write 800 words. This is 65% of quota and were it the team percent it would be worth 65 points. But let's say on day 3 you write 1700 words. At the end of the week this score would be added to the other to give you 2500. For a 2 day quota (which should be 2460) this is a percent of 102% of quota which would be 102 points.

This way, since you not only caught up to quota you went over, you get more points. The team points will be done the same way. There will just be more instances to calculate. This is why we need to know how many people wrote each day to determine what the week quota should be.

Why do I have to post my counts in two places?

It's so that your words count for team points and for you to receive individual awards and/or be featured on the Top 15 word count.

Who's doing all this posting?

The mods will put up the posts that will need your word counts commented to.

mod post

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