Want to stay right here till the end of time

Sep 11, 2006 21:04

The moving-in vibes have tripled. I always said that I wanted to graduate and have a job before I wanted to move in, but we could actually move in right now, if the rent isn't too high. I mean, Thijs has a fulltime job and he has to pay nearly €300 a month for his room, and there are appartments in Goes for more or less the same amount of ( Read more... )

books, dancing

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Comments 13

sunonyourskin September 11 2006, 19:33:19 UTC
Nice icon! ^^ Very appropriate. And oooh, moving-in together! That would be so very nice! Am excited for you!
And yay for collecting money for a good cause! Makes you feel good, dunn't it? And hey, (lot of ands here :\ ) I didn't know you did Reiki!? Tell me more!


autumnsparkle September 12 2006, 16:33:28 UTC
Hahah, als ik een LJcomment typ zit ik ook altijd constant And And And te zeggen XD

We zijn echt al eeuwen van plan samen te wonen, staan ook al zo'n anderhalf jaar ingeschreven bij zo'n stichting, maar nu het wat meer in zicht komt begint het idee steeds leuker te worden. Hoop dat het een beetje op gaat schieten allemaal.

En jaa, ik doe reiki. Weet niet of je er iets vanaf weet? Is in ieder geval ehm, het doorgeven van energie via je handen aan jezelf of anderen zeg maar, versnelt genezingsprocessen en is zeg maar emotionally healing. Ik vind dit altijd moeilijk uit te leggen, hahah. In ieder geval, ik heb nu mijn tweede graad (je hebt er 3) waardoor ik ook mensen/dieren/situaties van een afstand kan behandelen zeg maar, en nou ja, het klinkt allemaal erg zweverig misschien maar er is eigenlijk weinig zweverigs aan, hahah.


sunonyourskin September 13 2006, 14:06:30 UTC
Ja ik wist dat jullie al de plannen hadden, maar zo te horen zit er nu schot in! Leukleuk! :D

Wat leuk! Ik had er wel 'ns wat over gehoord ja, zou wel 'ns willen zien hoe dat nou in z'n werk gaat. Maar 2e graad, da's hoog van wat ik begrepen heb! Gefeliciteerd :)


autumnsparkle September 14 2006, 09:23:05 UTC
Jaa ben er ook erg blij mee.

Ach nou ja, zoveel valt er niet te zien hoor, hahah. Maar het is erg leuk moet ik zeggen, vooral als je hoort/merkt dat het ook echt iets doet zeg maar. ^^


cecine September 11 2006, 19:44:52 UTC
Sounds very exciting!

Thanks so much for making me download this song. It's incredible.

Good luck collecting money! I've only done it once and I won't ever do it again, unless it's for a good cause. Animal Protection is a very, very good cause though. (Y)


autumnsparkle September 12 2006, 16:34:50 UTC
It is!

You're welcome. I owed you one for the Intwine-one ;)

Thank you! I'm looking forward to it, hope I'll collect a lot of money.


roomfor2 September 11 2006, 20:53:48 UTC
I noticed your icon yesterday and I totally love it!

Apartment hunting sounds good! and cheaper than it is here :S
*comes to live there too*

and in the spirit of dance *uses a dance-y icon*


roomfor2 September 11 2006, 20:55:57 UTC
oooh that icon of mine matches your colours too :D


autumnsparkle September 12 2006, 16:35:55 UTC
Hahah I love it too!

And living isn't cheap here at all! The majority is way over €300 a month, you just have to be lucky I guess.


tsuno September 11 2006, 21:29:22 UTC
Omg! Moving in together! That's so awesome, I'm really excited for you! And jealous, lol ;)

That song is one of the most perfect songs ever written. The lyrics! <3<3<3

I do that too sometimes, accidently buying a book ^_^


autumnsparkle September 12 2006, 16:37:34 UTC
Hahah, I'm terrily exciting too, especially since it's coming closer and closer...

I *love* it! Am going to hunt for more Lamb-songs, I only know that one & Gabriel (which is endless love also)

AHahah I do it a little too often.


cutepoisonlola September 12 2006, 10:52:09 UTC
What is Reiki? Is it like yoga at all? (Just guessing, I don't really have a clue...)


autumnsparkle September 12 2006, 16:38:59 UTC
Hah, it's not like yoga at all. C/ping from something the crappy explanation I gave to cecine awhile back:

Reiki is a a natural healing method. Reiki means universal energy and you can pass it by means of your hands to yourself or to others. When you place your hand on your leg or whatever, you can feel heat, right? Well, that's energy. Reiki is pretty much the same. Everybody can do it really. It's just that when you have a degree (there's a first, second and third, I only have my first) the energy gets stronger and better channelled (but then well-spelt). It's not like Reiki can heal everything, I mean, when you've got a broken leg Reiki won't cure it, BUT it can (and does) speed up the healing process and it's definitely healing in the emotional sense of the word.

I suck at explaining reiki, if you want to know more it's best to google, hahah.


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