Fortitude: Chapter 6

May 12, 2012 01:18

Title: Fortitude
Rating:  M
Fandom: Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core
Pairing(s): Angeal/Cloud, slight Reno/Cloud
Summary: Angeal gets to meet his student's trooper friend through some strange course of events.

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 6  ----vvvvvvvvvv----

Zack was away for the week, leaving Angeal with his freshly recovered student. Cloud was clueless about what he had confessed to Sephiroth, Angeal, and Zack. It felt awkward to be alone with the teenager now, and left the big SOLDIER to think about his own feelings. Cloud was at least nine years younger than him, and so much smaller. The boy was considerate and polite; but still stubborn, and even tougher than most, when he needed to be. He was beautiful for a boy, but didn't let his looks go to his head; in fact he became generally uncomfortable when he was complimented. Modest. He was positive and energetic most of the time, with the occasional bout of depression. Angeal certainly liked him, but he wasn't sure if he LIKED him.

"General Hewley? Would you like me to get you something to drink, you seem… overexerted?" Cloud asked from his spot on the floor, a few feet away from the larger man. Angeal stopped his demonstration and turned to the boy… That's what he was, a boy… The black haired man had to remind himself of that, Cloud was still practically a child.

He wasn't about to tell Cloud that he hadn't been sleeping well, and that he was running on fumes. He settled for asking the boy why he thought he was overexerting himself, "What makes you think that, Cloud?" It came out sounding snappy and irritable, leaving the boy to lower his gaze and become quiet.

After several minutes of silence Angeal's guilt finally broke free, "I'm sorry, Cloud… A drink would be great…" he murmured roughly. The boy made a quick escape to find his mentor something cold and bottled. Angeal watched him go, and an exasperated sigh left him when the door shut behind the blonde.

His thoughts were still on that day in the infirmary.


Sephiroth had been quick to leave after Cloud's confession, he hadn't said a word; just got up and left. Zack continued watching over Cloud, like an overprotective guardian. Angeal felt very much the same, they had sat in silence until a knock came to the door. Zack got up from his spot beside the blonde and walked over to the door, mumbling about insensitive people and how his 'Spiky' needed rest.

It shouldn't have surprised Angeal when Reno of the Turks was standing on the other side of the door, but it did. Turks weren't suppose to like anything, for fear that it could be used against them, but obviously Reno felt something for Cloud.

"How's he doing, yo?" the fiery haired Turk asked as he breezed in past Zack. The SOLDIER quickly took hold of the lanky man's shoulder to stop him from proceeding any further. Reno seemed to humor Zack, because he didn't try to maneuver out of the way or escape.

"What are you playing at, Turk?" Zack asked, low and dangerous; obvious having the same thoughts as Angeal. The larger SOLDIER had never seen his student so ruffled, Zack seemed to have found something to protect.

Reno cocked an eyebrow at the younger black haired man, "I'm here to check on my buddy… problem, Fair?" his lazy drawl had all but disappeared and was replaced by a snippy, curt tone. Clearly he did not like his intentions to be questioned. Reno twisted out of Zack's hold and moved over to the bed, looking down at the fallen blonde. "Poor kid," he murmured before pushing some sweat dampened locks from the teen's face.

Zack hovered behind Reno, looking unhappy about the redhead's soft words. His affection toward the blonde was clear, and Zack did not approve. "Reno, what is it that you want from Cloud? What are you getting out of it?" he asked quietly, dangerously.

"Getting out of it? I dunno what you're talkin' about, yo. He's just my bud, is it wrong for me to have friends?" the redhead asked venomously, but still managing to keep his voice down to a suitable level; as to not disturb Cloud.

"Yes, it is. You're a Turk. You're married to your job and you're messing with his head. Don't play him just for your amusement, Reno," Zack's eyes glowed brighter than normal as he spoke in his calmest voice.

Reno's face contorted into a hateful look as he turned to face Zack. "What the hell is your problem, Fair?" his voice steadily became unstable and began to gain volume.

"You are!" Zack answered simply, his own voice beginning to get louder.

"Enough!" Angeal said in a soft, but authoritative voice. Both his student and the Turk turned to look at him. Both brimming with emotions. "If you're going to fight, do it elsewhere."

Reno's face became neutral and he moved to Zack's seat next to the bed. "How is he doing?" he asked quietly, looking down at the blonde with a softened gaze. Zack came to stand beside him, wisely choosing not to bicker over his stolen seat.

"He was kinda awake a little while ago, said your name, and ended up falling back asleep. What's been going on, Reno?" Zack informed and asked questions of his own. He wasn't going to let Reno know that their private conversation was revealed, but he wanted answers.

Angeal sat quietly, watching his bedridden student, half listening to Zack and Reno carry on. Cloud looked fragile as he laid in the medical bed, hooked up to an IV drip and a heart monitor. He hoped that the blonde would open his eyes soon, maybe fuss at them for worrying over him… something. Something other than laying there… looking so defenseless, and vulnerable… it inspired something almost primal inside of him.


He had been thinking about his feelings for the blonde constantly after that. He wanted to say he felt the same way about Cloud as he did about Zack. Zack was like a younger brother, someone that he could roughhouse with and train with without second thought… but Cloud… Cloud was different. He could feel something much deeper for the boy. From the moment that he had actually seen him there had been an attraction. After getting to know him; his quiet, shy, and borderline antisocial behavior, and yet… beneath it all was a sweet kid that was determined to make his dreams come true. An innocent child that looked up to him as an idol and role model… and that's exactly what Cloud was, a child…

It left Angeal feeling dirty when he would think about the way the blonde moved, the way that his undershirt clung to his sweating body like a second skin. He had even seen the boy in the showers, but only briefly, not allowing himself anything more than a glance. Plains of soft looking, smooth, and unblemished skin, stretched over sinewy muscle; a pert bottom and long legs. It was more than he should have allowed himself. So much more.

He had memorized the boy's face, and could easily see it behind his eyelids. Round cheeks, pouting lips, a pert but straight bridged nose, and big blue eyes. Eyes that reflected his inner emotions so well… Angeal took a deep breath and opened his slate colored eyes, emotionlessly staring out over the empty training floor.

If only he were older… maybe in a few years…

Cloud didn't take long to return with a bottle of mineral water in hand. He stumbled on his way into the room and nearly ended up with his face planted into the training mat. Angeal simply sighed, knowing that the boy only tripped over himself when he was nervous.

"Cloud, I'm not mad… I'm just tired," he reluctantly tacked on the end. When big blue eyes looked up, regarding him with honest admiration he was left wondering what he could have done to inspire such a look.

"I'm glad you trust me enough to tell me that, sir. It honestly makes me happy that you don't put up a front with me…" Cloud smiled sweetly at him as he handed over the bottled water. Angeal took the bottle without thinking, his attention was focused on his student's admiring eyes and sweet, disarming smile. He could easily see how anyone would find the blonde boy attractive, but the thought of others looking upon him left Angeal feeling a dark, dangerous jealously… Wanting nothing more than to keep it only for himself. To keep the boy only for himself… maybe lock him away from the eyes of others, and take on the responsibility of being his sole caretaker… that couldn't go over well with Zack.

"Cloud, I think we're done for the day," he told the boy as he tore his gaze away from him, desperate to get away from him before he did something he would regret. "You are dismissed," he said firmly, leaving no room for the boy to ask any questions or make any requests. With that being said he breezed past a slightly wounded looking Cloud, and out the training room doors. Both unaware of catlike, green eyes watching from the observational box at the top of the room.

character: zack fair, pairing: angeal/cloud, character: angeal hewley, genre: yaoi, story: fortitude, genre: friendship, fandom: ffvii crisis core, character: cloud strife, genre: angst, character: reno, genre: romance

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