September Surprise

Sep 09, 2014 17:26

Things here have been-interesting. I’ve been doing quite a bit of revising on my new middle grade novel, which has been a blast. No. Really. I’ve very much enjoyed doing revisions this time around. I just finished another go at the manuscript and made some pretty good changes. Now I’m waiting for feedback before I’ll attack it again.

So, in the ( Read more... )

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Comments 10

de311_nightluva September 10 2014, 02:26:01 UTC
That's awesome. Sometimes we're just not ready for a story and there are pieces missing. I had that happen to me with my YA series.

And I can't believe Summer is already over :( I'm sort of excited for Fall, mostly for Nano and Turkey day ^_^


authorwithin September 10 2014, 13:44:11 UTC
Yeah, it's crazy how this writing thing works. It's like all of a sudden something clicked inside me.

Wow! I'd forgotten that Nano was coming up soon. It's really not that far away! And with the mention of Turkey day I'm in the mood for some pie. :D


jennygordon September 10 2014, 12:26:30 UTC
authorwithin September 10 2014, 13:41:32 UTC
Love that image of a muse walking by and spotting me through the window. Sounds like a good explanation to me!

I'll see if I can send you the revised version of my MS after I get back home this morning. :)


jennygordon September 10 2014, 13:44:32 UTC
authorwithin September 10 2014, 13:45:38 UTC
Okay. It'll be about an hour or so and then I'll send it along. :)


robinellen September 11 2014, 02:57:20 UTC
So glad you've been getting in some good writing (and imagining) :)


davesmusictank September 12 2014, 04:28:04 UTC
I am hoping to do some fan fiction in the next few weeks if I am able to spare enough timetime.


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