Wednesday’s Word

Jan 09, 2013 09:07


I’m very good at it. For example, my Christmas decorations stayed up until last night. I kept saying, “We’ll take them down tomorrow.” And each day would come and go and the decorations remained. I tried to blame it on the snow that had frozen to ice and still covered some of the outside lights (the ones on the ground-yes, I had ( Read more... )

random musings, life, writing, wednesday's word

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Comments 3

jongibbs January 9 2013, 17:30:31 UTC
Good luck with your new names :)


bogwitch64 January 9 2013, 20:49:18 UTC
Miserable. As in, I'm sick and miserable. Wah! But I WROTE! and that always is a good thing.

Stop procrastinating, woman!


jennygordon January 11 2013, 09:17:08 UTC

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