Monday’s Muse = I Got the Point-and It Hurts!

Dec 17, 2012 09:03

I stabbed myself in the hand yesterday. Yes, this takes amazing talent, I know. Let me explain my stupidity. A few months ago, I purchased one of those forever sharp knife sets. Yesterday I decided to open it. I took out all the knives, but still felt something in the box. I put my right hand under the opening so whatever was inside could fall into ( Read more... )

random musings, monday's muse, life, inspiration

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Comments 4

bogwitch64 December 17 2012, 18:25:36 UTC
Wait a second...all the other knives were in a box and that one wasn't?? Someone was negligent here, and it should be brought to the attention of someone who can see to it this doesn't happen again. That's freaking dangerous! Obviously, right? Yeesh!

Gads, honey--I hope the pain lets up right and soon!


jongibbs December 17 2012, 20:07:09 UTC
Ouch! I hope it heals quickly.


robinellen December 17 2012, 22:17:45 UTC
That sounds exactly like something I would do. (((HUGS)))


jennygordon December 19 2012, 08:36:08 UTC

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