The hero of Canton, the man they call Jayne

Apr 04, 2020 15:41

I've been rewatching Firefly, and I forgot how damn good this show is. If far from perfect and free of problematicisms.

I'll admit I wasn't as sold on the first episode. However, looking back I think that's because pilot episodes are more expository spaces. We have to be introduced to so much. Also, I felt Kaylee was a little overdone in the "this is Serenity's Sweetheart!" department. However, she's much more of a character (and less of a constant shining ball of joy) in later episodes.

I'm just about finished "Jaynestown" now (the is way too binge-friendly, damn it, especially given that there are only fourteen episodes), and I love that episode every time. In fact, I may rewatch just to do a proper recap. I was going to recap the whole series, but... honestly, it seems easier just to rewatch and then pick out a few things.

Oh, and can I just say I love Zoe? I always remembered loving Zoe, but it's been so long since I've done a proper rewatch. I RUDDIN' LOVE ZOE. She's a strong female character without being a Strong Female Character (TM). She's capable, she's intelligent, and I love her stoicism as well as her quiet humor. I also love Wash, and Wash and Zoe as a couple.

Which isn't to say there aren't flaws. There's all of this usage of Asian culture, yet hardly anyone - IF anyone - of Asian descent has appeared. Or if they have, it seems to be in a more stereotypical light. . All of the Alliance we've seen have appeared to be of European origin. I used to think Summer Glau was Asian, but she is not. I know that's a very old complaint, I'm just saying. It's like the TV show version of getting a "Chinese" symbol as a tattoo that you think means "peace" but actually means "moron," and it leaves a pretty ugly mark.

I'm also not sure how I feel about Inara's buildup as a character. I like HER, I'm just not sure where they were going. Or maybe it's that I DO know one thing, which was that she was supposed to gang-raped by Reavers on purpose to kill them. I feel like there's something fanservicey about Inara, but at the same time, I see Inara as being very much in charge of her own body and unashamed of it. We're introduced to her in a very sensual way, but is it male gaze for the bros in the audience, or is it to just showing who Inara is? I'm not sure. I'm also not clear on how much autonomy Companions truly have. In "Shindig" Inara seemed somewhat trapped by Atherton, then suddenly said he could be blacklisted. But why not just do that to begin with? Why not just say "actually, you're not going to duel with my friend, we're leaving and you're blacklisted?" Unless she was worried he'd hurt her or Mal in retaliation, and only felt safe speaking out when he no longer posed a threat. I don't know.

And finally, I don't get planets on sci fi shows or in movies. They always seem more like provinces of countries than actual planets you would think would have many cities and cultures, and Firefly is no exception. Except possibly Safe, where we did see a few different groups of people walking around. Even the village that took Simon and River was definitely its own culture. Not a particularly great one, they seemed to be more of a cult, but their own group nonetheless and very much separate from the sort of people we saw in other places. So that was something. I'm just saying, it's odd when every planet seems to apparently just have city? Are they supposed to be incredibly small planets? I guess that would kind of make sense. I don't know. Maybe this would have been expanded upon if we'd gotten more than one season. Or maybe we just need a reason for people to be in space all the time, since I suppose if there were an Earth-like planet they could just land there and do crime all over that planet, rather than sky-hopping everywhere.

Despite all of this, I'm enjoying my Firefly rewatch. I just wish there were more! And yet, I'm kind of relieved there isn't more.

Anyone have any fanfic recs that explore what might have happened beyond season one, or that world build a little more? I'd love to read them!

fandom, firefly

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