Seeing as I am the author of this story, I was wondering if I could make a request/suggestion in regards to the community. Would anyone object to making the posts that include each chapter Friends Only, as in only members of the community can read them? The rest of the posts - pictures, discussions, songs, etc. - can remain public. However, the
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Comments 11
However, LJ (being the moron that it can sometimes be) doesn't automatically change the protection level of the past entries, nor does it allow the mods that ability. So what everyone will have to do is go back and edit all of their entries, changing the security level to "Friends". Since you want your story protected, Kris, I'd recommend you go ahead and do that for each of your chapters. ;-)
Since you want your story protected, Kris, I'd recommend you go ahead and do that for each of your chapters. ;-)
Like I said, everyone else's posts can remain public if they like. My biggest concern is that the chapters are FO. Now I can go back and edit 4 through 7, but presentmemory posted 1 through 3 here, so she'll have to take care of those.
Paging presentmemory! Paging presentmemory!
Definitely not. I understand how you feel. ;-)
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