Jan 26, 2015 16:46
The weather outside is frightful
And ABN is very ficful
So if you've no place to go
Write some snow, write some snow, write some snow
Ah - non-filk version: I'm asking all writers on my flist to write a fanfic that involves snow somehow. Any fandom, ship, gen, a combination of ship and gen, whatever. Have at it. Original works as well! Length also doesn't matter - it can be a drabble, ficlet, long fic, filk, whatever you want. Just link me to it here or via PM so I can make a master list. :)
Some extra prompts if you'd like them (don't feel you have to use them):
- Lovebirds
- Christmas in January/February
- Twist on a fairy tale, myth or urban legend
- Smores are overrated! (Is a substitute in order?)
- Missing moment (i.e. something we know happened in canon, or assume happened, but never saw) or backstory
- Time travel (and/or historical backstory)
- Crossover
Write your hearts out!
(Keeping this unflocked so anyone can participate.)
ETA: You can also submit fanart.