Calling All Writers! Friending Meme

Mar 16, 2017 15:45

I don't know how to do codes, so this is a C&P Meme. Sorry.

Meme is pretty self-explanatory... if you're a writer, this meme is for you! Doesn't matter if it's blogging, creative nonfiction, novels, reviews, fanfic... writers of all forms are welcome.

The Basics

Name, and/or nicknames:

Where do you hail from?


Do you have a blog or website?

Do you have any other accounts you'd like to be followed on? (tumblr, DW, etc.)

Writing Specific

Generally speaking, what do you write?

Are you working on any projects?

Do you post any of your writing on LJ?

Have you ever been published?

General Interests

Name up to five favorite works of literature:

Name up to five favorite TV shows:

Name up to five favorite movies:

Are you in any fandoms?

Other Interests:


Public, semi-flocked or staunchly Friends Only?

How often do you post?

What do you typically post about?

Anything else?
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