
Oct 09, 2012 10:59

I received a call from my Mum yesterday. My Dad's brain tumour has grown bigger over the last few weeks or so, to the point where it is starting to affect him. He can no longer drive or work. On Thursday they will be going to see the neurologist to discuss everything and then soon he will be flying to Townsville to have surgery and have it removed ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

ext_1436296 October 9 2012, 00:18:45 UTC
I know you're right about there not being anything people can do to make everything better. But theres nothing wrong with hugging the hell out of somebody. So heres a virtual one -HUG-. Cole and I are pretty much always around if you need us just need to shoot us a text, or psychic communication (though that might be a touch more difficult)


aussiemadechick October 9 2012, 03:15:42 UTC
Thank you. That really means a lot.
I think I will be better once I know more about information and we have a more definite answer.


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