
Feb 01, 2012 00:04

I have been far too eager in planning my 21st birthday. My invites are already ordered and arrived last week, my theme chosen, my guest list is (sort-of) finished, and the deposit on the venue is being placed next week ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

amabla January 31 2012, 13:26:33 UTC
Speeches are fine, as long as they are good speeches. The question is, can YOU handle 9 minutes of embarrassing stories about yourself? Hahaha :P I presume you'll only invite people who care about you, or who are obliged to pretend they do, so make sure there's ample seating so people don't have to complain about standing for 10 minutes, and they'll probably happily shut up and listen. Exciting!!!


aussiemadechick February 1 2012, 00:21:34 UTC
I am definitely leaning towards having speeches. It's going to be at upstairs Soho (close to my house, relatively cheap) so there is some seating, but not enough for all 70ish people (which is the minimum amount of people they require for a booking).
So, I don't know. It's still up in the air, but I'm definitely leaning towards having them.

Are you having a party for your 20th this year? You should! :D


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