Expanding My Horizons.

Apr 13, 2011 11:52

Nobody does much on here anymore. Good thing, bad thing? Who knows.

I have been looking in to becoming a Body Shop Consultant, as a side job to earn some more money. It would mean people book through me to host a party, then I go over and run through the products of the month and stuff, take payments for products,etc... Basically a Tupperware ( Read more... )

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Comments 1

amabla April 13 2011, 13:37:18 UTC
I'm going to post something soon, I think. Just too much stuff has happened to make an entry... But I don't think it'd be very interesting anyway.

I do, however, know someone who does/did Body Shop parties. I was really surprised that there are people in Hobart able to make a living from doing this, but apparently Tupperware-type parties are still going on quite often. At some parties you can make a heap of money, although with the current retail climate it's hard to say.


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