I don't think that I'd really call it a pudding, more of a chunks-in-coconut-sauce, since as the sauce DOES thicken, it never really gels like I think of puddings as doing.
I suspect it would come out thicker if you used the tiny pearls, which have a lot more surface area to give up starch to thicken the liquid. I'm also wondering if it might be possible to make the rice-flour equivalent of a roux. Ideally I'd want to use a powdered glutinous rice -- the stuff that, when mixed directly with water, becomes mochi dough. Perhaps it would be possible, by cooking it with some coconut oil first, to get the particles of flour to stay separate when coming in contact with a watery liquid...
Comments 2
I think that if we added some egg we COULD like the pudding recipe I found make it into a proper pudding. Tasty either way!
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