Off-Kilter and On-Target

Apr 18, 2012 23:22

Characters/Pairing: Kate/Sayid
Rating: PG/13/R
Word Count: 2,230
Summary: Instead of going back to the island, Kate and Sayid go on the run.
A/N: Written for pann_cake, because Five Acts isn't Five Acts without some Kate/Sayid. :-)

She’s okay, but he isn’t. )

fic, ficfandom: lost

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Comments 11

pann_cake April 19 2012, 05:38:12 UTC
OH MY GODDDDDDDDDDD. Let me just bask in this for a moment. Mmmmmm.

I love everything about this! I've missed this pairing (which is funny because it's such a little-written pairing even back in the glory days), and ahhhh, everything about them was perfect. I love the way their easy camaraderie and friendship slowly evolves into something else. The haircutting scene just FLOORED me, it was so perfect and so domestic yet still fraught with tension and then SHOWER SEX. Mmmm yes good.

And then the ending, THE ENDING. YOU BROUGHT THE BOYS TO THEM (+ CLAIRE). All of their reactions to that was perfect (oh, RICHARD) especially Sawyer and his sarcasm-but-also-not-surprised towards Kate and Sayid. <33333

I love love love this. Thank you so much. *kisses your hand* I don't deserve you.



aurilly April 19 2012, 13:50:58 UTC
Whew! I'm so glad you liked this, especially the ending which I had been debating whether or not I should do (I like a happy ending, but I know some people prefer some lingering unresolved angst). Shower sex and sweaty hotel bathroom scenes are my one and only kink, so when I saw your prompts, I knew exactly what would be in the middle of this story. ;) God, I love Kate/Sayid so much and every time I read or write a story about them it seems to obvious and easy and perfect, and it still hurts me that it never happened.


sunsetdawn20 June 3 2012, 09:00:49 UTC
WHAT A PERFECT STORY!!! I love every section to bits, the way their relationship evolves, and just this prevailing sense of two dysfunctional lives somehow finding a way to work together. This felt so much like one of the awesomely written flashbacks (or whatevers) on the show itself: the whole running and hiding and the attack and then somehow disappearing into a new life. This was just really wonderful. And I liked the end. For a moment I was TERRIFIED that they would somehow be snatched back to the island, wake up there after a nap. This was so much better. Brilliant!

Edit: oh oh oh also, the numbers for each ection! Made all uncomfortable in a good way. In a Lost way.


aurilly June 4 2012, 15:49:57 UTC
Thank you so much! The Kate & Sayid adventure times were my favorite parts of the show. They're such a hot mess on their own, but they always seem to pull it together around each other. I'm glad that came through and felt like a part of the show. What a lovely compliment. :)

Hee, I am a sucker for the numbers. Didn't think anyone would actually notice, so thank you!


zelda_zee June 3 2012, 21:59:41 UTC
Oh, WOW. This is so awesome. I love it! It was great before your ending, but I literally gasped out loud at the arrival of the raft. I love being surprised, and I completely was at that, and in a wonderful way. This fic has a lovely combination of sadness and pain and, in the end, happiness.


aurilly June 4 2012, 15:53:19 UTC
Thank you! I'm so glad the ending worked for you. These poor people all need to catch a break, especially Sayid. Poor dear.

I keep secrets in my fic headers, because I like being surprised, too. ;)


bachlava June 4 2012, 03:47:28 UTC
Ooh, this is lovely. There are so many "favourite parts" I could pick... Lost fandom isn't at its most robust right now, but this piece makes me really happy that there are still sparks of life. Your vision of Sayid and Kate as they adapt to their changing (mais plus ça change...) circumstances resonates beautifully with the characters we grew to love. The conclusion is beautiful. Wonderful work.


aurilly June 4 2012, 16:11:29 UTC
Thank you so so much! I adore these two and am so happy they struck you as in-character and the people we love. And yeah, with the island, plus ça change... that's why I love it and these two in particular so much.


ziyalofhaiti September 1 2012, 22:19:41 UTC
I adore Sayid/Kate, and I wish they had more meaningful scenes together. I love how they opted out of going back to the island and kept each other company on the run....the way they gravitate towards each other and fit each other is perfect. The fact that they ended up buying an island was almost like destiny calling them. I loved the parallels to the show (Sayid enjoying construction). My favorite moment was the cutting of the hair--intimacy out of need. The ending completely slayed me, esp. with the last line---PERFECTION.

“The two of you look snug as two bugs in a rug,” ---> the perfect Sawyer line if I ever saw one. His voice came through perfectly.


aurilly November 13 2012, 20:42:54 UTC
They were one of my favorite duos, because whenever they were together, things happened! Always. Getting shit done. It was a beauty to watch. They're such action-oriented characters. I have a weird thing about romantic scenes that take place in fancy bathrooms, so I'm glad you liked the haircutting. :)


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