Hematite: For Calm

May 28, 2007 00:38

Auree receives a letter from Jarvais. On the seventh day of the eleventh month of the third turn, she writes her reply.

She sat in the Caucus commons in one of the chairs that had been pushed into a corner. Auree had always been fond of corners, and she had inhabited this one for hours. She watched, she listened. The conversations were mostly about one thing, and as it was something Auree had no words for herself, she was content to sit quiet and still, and simply observe what everybody else had to say.

Her knees were drawn up, toes wrapped in wherhide slippers curled around the cushion of her seat. Such posture was a mite improper for a young woman, but months in a Weyr seemed to be having their effect on her. Despite the etiquette classes that strove to improve students manners, her own once-impeccable posture was gradually degrading. On her steeply-angled lap rested a thick book. Homework at one time, it also served as a writing surface for the blank hide that rested atop it. Auree dipped her quill into the small pot of ink on the little table beside her chair.


You have heard such news, but from your letter it seems you have not heard all the news from Caucus. The Weyr is in a state of uproar. You picked a fine time to leave and go home, when I had just come and was still settling in. You can make it up to me by returning immediately. Things have become too strange.

You know the man who was once Weyrleader has died. Everybody has a different name for him, and unsure as to which one is the proper one to use, I'll keep to his old title instead. Yesterday, the weyrling junior weyrwoman, Miniyal, spoke to those in the Living Cavern after dinner. People were expecting, I suppose, fond words from a woman who had lost her...well...it seemed quite open, what they were. I was not there, but those who were recount that she began as everyone thought she would. But Jarvs! She ended by saying that he had murdered the Weyrwoman Yevide! Can you even imagine?

They say the Weyrleaders were there and the Captain of the Guard. They say the Captain met with her immediately and that she said she had proof. We will known the truth of it in time. Everybody has something to say. Nobody is saying it all that nicely.

She rolled the quill slowly between long fingers, looking over what she had written and then blowing gently on the ink to help it to dry. Over the curve of her knees, she watched a pair of blooded boys bicker over whether or not it could possibly be true. Somebody had done it, the one argued. Yes, but surely not a Weyrleader! Former Weyrleader. Same thing!

Auree returned her attention back down to her letter, dipped the tip of her writing tool into ink again, and held her gaze on the letters it began to form.

Beyond this most distressing information, classes go well and I do not think my Master will be displeased with my marks. I feel I have become accustomed to living in a Weyr. I am no longer so much surprised at the number of dragons that reside here. I have become accustomed to sleeping in a barracks again and the means by which one must bathe.

There is so little greenery here that it can be difficult to think in colors other than grays and blues and whites. If you trek several hours away, there is a meadow, and further yet, a waterfall. But here at the Weyr, save for the change in temperature, spring and summer and autumn all seem very much the same. I find I am lonesome for winter, if only to look at something new. I close my eyes and imagine Greenfields as it is now. I love the fall colors there. You may be very pleased with yourself, Jarvs. You have made me homesick.

I believe that addresses near everything about which you have written. There was one last little issue, but as a gentleman would never ask a lady such a thing in a letter, and as I know you to be a gentleman, there is nothing else for me to add that could not be better answered in person.


She carefully folded up the finished missive, set her book aside, and stood. It was a relatively short walk from the commons to the mailroom. Once there, Auree handed off the letter with a small and satisfied smile.


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