Gabriel, Interrupted 10/?

Mar 08, 2011 22:29

A/N: Even though I know where we are going with this story, apparently real life has me on a once every three days updating scheduling right now. I hope I can finish this before I go on vacation. I think that is possible. And THANK YOU for your continued feedback!

Chapters   01020304 0506    │ 07  │ 08 09

Gabriel walked up behind her. “What is it with you and this dog? You have an unhealthy attachment to him or something.” )

genre: comedy, genre: gen, character: michael, character: original female character, supernatural, character: original male character, character: gabriel, character: lucifer, genre: au

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Comments 6

candylovinangel March 9 2011, 04:49:10 UTC
Eeeks Luci and Michael...not good. But I love how gabe is acting towards 'theo' lol.


auntmo9 March 9 2011, 04:55:05 UTC
I know! Gabe and 'Theo" are just too much fun to resist ;)


unstoppablei March 9 2011, 23:38:13 UTC
Aw man, now Luci has seen her. That can't bode well...


auntmo9 March 10 2011, 00:27:51 UTC
No, it doesn't seem like a very good sign, does it?


tawg June 30 2011, 11:54:58 UTC
I had thoughts about this chapter, but the Michael and Luci confrontation pushed them out of my head... I did like Gabriel talking about his family, and what little you wrote of his home. My plot-point senses tell me that Aaron will be back. Oh Tillie, you do get into trouble. Still, I'm glad Luci hasn't found Gabriel yet.


auntmo9 June 30 2011, 12:04:04 UTC
I am glad you are getting caught up in the story! The feedback you are giving me has been wonderful so far!


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