Cracked Up

Jan 16, 2012 16:20

Title: Cracked Up
Author: auntmo9
Rating: PG-13 for language
Warnings: Discussions of fan-fiction tropes such as mpreg and angels laying eggs; angelic disrespect for parental authority figures.
Spoilers: One brief mention of events from 6.12 Like a Virgin, but basically an AU crack fic so as long as you know who Gabriel is, you are good to go.
Characters: ( Read more... )

genre: comedy, genre: gen, character: castiel, character: gabriel, character: sam winchester, character: dean winchester

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Comments 22

tawg January 17 2012, 01:56:02 UTC
Haha, this is wonderful. I just love that Gabriel has no problem being mean to Dean for his own amusement, and that everyone else is pissed but also kind of used to it. It's a very nice call back to the wonderfully nasty Trickster. And Gabriel leaving Becky feedback? Amazing.


auntmo9 January 17 2012, 02:08:34 UTC
Thank you! I am glad you enjoyed it!

Of course Gabriel has no problem being mean to Dean. I don't think he has a problem being mean to anyone for his own amusement and he won't ever totally give up the Trickster part of himself. :D


nicole_sill January 17 2012, 04:03:57 UTC
Gabriel's voice is perfect in this piece! I just love how he goes on and on about how he just wanted to watch someone lay an egg! And Natch it wasn't going to be himself!


auntmo9 January 17 2012, 14:19:09 UTC
Thank you! I am glad you liked it!


tari_roo January 17 2012, 10:24:21 UTC
well done, dear Mo. Well done!

Ah, Gabriel, you crack me up no end.


auntmo9 January 17 2012, 14:17:56 UTC
Thank you so much for your help! And I am glad you enjoyed it!

Gabriel does have that effect on people, doesn't he?


goldenusagi January 17 2012, 14:58:33 UTC
“I was not trolling,” Gabriel shot back , throwing down his remote in order to fluff the pillows that were propping him up. “All of my feedback was constructive and beneficial to the authors of those stories.”

You were so trolling, Gabriel!


auntmo9 January 17 2012, 15:22:43 UTC
Of course he was trolling! It one of his favorite pastimes when he isn't watching TV of bugging the crap out of the Winchesters!


meh_forget_it January 17 2012, 18:31:55 UTC
*snickers* This was amusing when you first mentioned it in those comments. That you went away and wrote more? Awesome. *grins* I'm now wondering what kind of dinosaur it's going to be and my geeky child side of me is praying for a velociraptor... *snort* Brilliant fic!! I recced it on my LJ!


auntmo9 January 17 2012, 18:44:04 UTC
My brain couldn't let it go. It was one of those rare things where the ideas kept coming. I even had one idea that didn't make it in, where Cas asks him how he did it and Gabriel says "Well I tell you one thing; I didn't resort to pulling the DNA from a mosquito fossil."


auntmo9 January 17 2012, 18:44:21 UTC
And thanks for the rec!


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