Title: A Few Ways Lassiter Might Make the First Move
Author: Auntie_Climatic
Rating: PG-13 for naughty language and boy touching
Paring: Shassie
Disclaimer: I only own my own bitterness
Notes: Every Psych story I’ve written thus fair has had Shawn making the first move, but now it’s Carlton’s turn! Tell me which first move you like the most, and I’ll
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Comments 83
I've never had morphine per say, but I have had pain killers (after a surgery, not the black market kind). Poetry did insue.
I love Evil! Lassiter. Remember the naked men episode? With the chest hair?
I'm an angst whore as well, so I won't judge. Thank you for your detailed comment. I think it's one of the best I've gotten.
One typo, albeit an impressive one: "Shawn may have frozen, but Lassiter surged foreword..." should be forwarddirection, not preface. Impressive, I say, because I have a cataloguing job in which I have to type the word "foreword," and usually end up with the other one.
I'm happy you thought of the hotel kitchen seen because, when I saw that episode, I was babysitting a five year old who tried that move on me earlier. I laughed for a long time that day.
I think that was my favorite line xD Brilliant story. A few past/present tense mixups in the first one, but other than that, awesome job. It's an interesting idea for Lassiface to start things up in these ways.
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