What's That Smell?

Sep 10, 2015 09:39

So... the Impossible Son is now a freshman in high school ( Read more... )

impossible son, funny stuff, the stench, high school, kids, freshman

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Comments 12

luvscharlie September 10 2015, 15:09:40 UTC
Ack, my little started as a Freshman this year too. Where the heck did the time go, girl?

Also smelly sportsy people. Ugh. Glad you took that firm stance on the Axe. I wish more mothers would!


auntbijou September 10 2015, 23:35:16 UTC
I had to take that stance when the Impertinent Daughter was at that age. Not because of her, but because of her male buddies! Seriously, they'd knock me flat with wafts of "l'eau de Axe et le skunk de pew," especially after athletics. I'd banish them all to the backyard and threaten to hose them off, it was so awful! It was wonderful when they finally figured out showers, omg!!

And there is no way your little one is a freshman already. No. Just... no. She's still four. FOUR. *wibbles*


bonsaibetz September 10 2015, 16:09:24 UTC
OMG, I'm dying here. BUWAHAHAHAHA! I have a 14 year old who, just a couple years ago, I was nagging to take a shower because he'd get int he car, stinking to high hell and I'd be gasping for breath, telling him to at least change his shirt. At least he takes showers regularly without me having to nag him now.

Now I have an 11 year old girl who is getting to that age where if she doesn't take a bath, and I have to reminder to take one still, I can smell her as well. And she's FINALLY starting to get the hang of putting on deodorant, mostly at my insistence after she gets out of the bath.


auntbijou September 10 2015, 23:39:41 UTC
There is a period between the ages of 11 and 14 that I like to call, "The Age of the Unwashed." It's that state that exists after puberty, when a tween feels that, "hey, I'm a Big Kid now, I'm nearly grown up, and I can do what I want!" vibe, and before the, "OMG, everyone hates me because I'm SO UNCOOL!! I can't STINK, THEY'LL HATE ME MORE!!" stage.

Of course, the Impossible Son has discovered that girls are cute, so are some of the boys, and personal hygiene matters when you want to get closer. The brushing of teeth has started to occur more often, thank Bast!!


realpestilence September 10 2015, 17:04:09 UTC
Maybe some wipes would help defunk him to a tolerable level, at least, if there's no time for a shower? Poor kid!

when I was in school, nobody used the showers because there were no doors. But I wasn't what you'd call athletic so never worked up much of a sweat myself. I don't know what the others did-it gets so hot here. Gah, now I'm thinking of the poor post-PE classes, all trapped together in their stink, eyes watering! o.0


auntbijou September 10 2015, 23:41:25 UTC
You know, that's probably a good idea. I think I'll slip a packet of unscented baby wipes into his athletic bag, with a big, "USE THESE FOR DE-STINKING PURPOSES!!" written on it!


kath_ballantyne September 11 2015, 12:36:33 UTC
And maybe a zip lock plastic bag to put the used ones in if he can't get them to a bin right away? Not sure I'd want that in my bag. But then if he's got gym clothes in there...


tilia_tomentosa September 13 2015, 00:08:11 UTC
If they are unscented, they at least can't make things worse, right? LOL

And ouch, when did time go indeed?


What's That Smell? koshweasley September 11 2015, 09:35:54 UTC
Wow that sounds awful. And to have that happen at school, will he ever live that down. Of course, if they mess with him too much he only needs to threaten to do it again. LOL

The coach needs to make sure they have time to shower. Five minutes off their practice won't make that much difference.

A good way to start my day though. I just sprayed Axe on after my shower. LOLOL


kath_ballantyne September 11 2015, 12:59:59 UTC
Oh god the stench of Axe and Impulse (girls one here, is that international?) on post puberty bodies. God I'm so glad my chemical sensitivities weren't as bad then though it could have been the cause of a lot of the migraines and asthma. But yeah, it was hideous and people just sprayed SO much of it ( ... )


tilia_tomentosa September 13 2015, 00:14:17 UTC
Oh, Impulse! If I remember correctly, it even made it to my side of the Iron Curtain in the 80's, but it was too expensive for young girls at the time. I think it's still my mother's favourite, but I don't know what teen girls like now.


auntbijou September 23 2015, 19:43:10 UTC
Oh, in Texas, air conditioning is a necessity of life. And usually, Mr. Stinky doesn't smell that bad. But, as we have discovered, layering new sweat over old sweat and having sweaty clothes on top just adds to a most unfortunate concatenation of stench!

I remember not having A/C in our house when I was small (we had a whole house fan at the time) and the elementary school I went to didn't get A/C until I was in... third grade, I think. I don't know how we did it!


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