Title: The Problem with Saints
Word Count: 1,046
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Linkara, Jeanne d’Arc, Margaret
Disclaimer: I do not own anything, not Atop the Fourth Wall, not Linkara, not Joan of Arc, not “The Problem With Saints” by Neil Gaiman and friends.
Warnings: Mention of the threat of rape, descriptions of a ghost still becoming corporeal.
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Comments 3
Awww, poor confused Joan and Margaret playing and talking with her to calm her down
Now I have this image of Joan of Arc appearing to Benzaie and SadPanda and trying to recruit them for her battle against England, lol dear lord could you imagine? XD
Also I love how Linkara gives her a piggyback ride at the end, so sweet! :D
Yeah, its official, I think we had a hutch of plot bunnies repopulate in the chat last night lol. And good times it was. :)
This was a really interesting concept. And I loved the piggy back ride at the end. That was adorable. :)
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