I fed up with this world! (But seriously, what the hell, world?)

Feb 03, 2011 10:01

 2011 isn't doing much to impress me thus far. I knew my workload was going to increase, I knew I wouldn't have as much free time for running around on the internet. I didn't know that the internet and the world would decide to start going crazy and stressing me out.

1. JO is a homophobe person who thinks that being LGBT is unnatural, a choice, and ( Read more... )

rant, tgwtg, today, politics, argh

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Comments 33

ladyhadhafang February 3 2011, 20:44:23 UTC
JesuOtaku actually *said* that? I...what? WHAT?!

Okay, JO, I love you dearly, but...Sokka, help a sister out, will you?


I still hope that TV Tropes doesn't delete the Fetish Fuel pages. Or Troper Tales. I *love* Troper Tales. :(

And *hugs* regarding your workload. :)


aunt_zelda February 4 2011, 01:11:42 UTC
JesuOtaku actually *said* that? I...what? WHAT?!
My thought process exactly. Well, after I stopped felling like I was going to throw up.

I still hope that TV Tropes doesn't delete the Fetish Fuel pages. Or Troper Tales. I *love* Troper Tales. :(
It's not looking good *sighs*

And *hugs* regarding your workload. :)
Thank you.


ladyhadhafang February 4 2011, 01:52:26 UTC
"My thought process exactly. Well, after I stopped felling like I was going to throw up."

Should I add this to the Dethroning Moment of Suck page? Because that's definitely what it feels like. :/

And just out of pure Bile Fascination, what exactly was she talking about? How the mighty blue Jesus did she work the anti-homosexuality angle into an anime review? My good lady...you haven't just made the baby Jesus cry. You made *blood* shoot out his nose! *Beep*ing *hell*, first Nash, now JesuOtaku. WTFIWWY, Internet?

(Sorry if it sounds like I'm "butting in" but...yeah. :/)

Anyways, back to a bit of a lighter subject...

"It's not looking good *sighs*"

I've been at least saving stuff. Just in case. :(

And trust me, a big-ass workload = not fun. Much luck to you, zelda. :)


ladyhadhafang February 6 2011, 23:16:41 UTC

Learned it was on a blog instead. *Facepalms* I am a *freaking* idiot...


hyarrowen February 3 2011, 21:03:33 UTC
I read Leviticus fo a story I was working on. And in the modern version, rather than the King James, it really was an eye-opener. I was headdesking for a good half-hour.

As for TV Tropes, you've probably tried this, but does Google have a cached page? They're often a week or two old.


stalkedbychibis February 4 2011, 10:50:43 UTC
On the JO thing: didn't she say that this was based on what her friends said/did/whatever? Did she care to run this by her friends first? "Oh, yeah, I think you chose to be miserable forever." *headdesk*

The Fetish Fuel is okay now, at least in theory. They're still killing it ((and lots of the TT)) but at least it has a home. Well, some of the people on the discussion thread are hoping worried that Google may kick it off there too...


My Oh My ext_3409611 December 1 2015, 13:00:39 UTC
Frig off Gaystapo. Putting an end to any discussion by putting labels on people -- that's pretty much all you people know how to do. Forget facts. Just call someone a homophobe!

As if all the disease among the gay population isn't reason enough to state it's inappropriate. And as far as being born gay, there are plenty of people freed from Gay attraction, me being one of such people! There is no gay gene every proven!

Fight for real rights in the world as there are plenty to fight for. Just ask the million starving Africans out there or stop some gays from being throw off rooftops in the third world. Enough with your first-world rights-over-inundation. Rights are good for a society but Liberals have pushed them to the point of ironically being detrimental, whereas they used to be beneficial to a society's development.


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