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Comments 17

7gifts April 9 2011, 18:38:55 UTC
Saw you post on tgw_fanworks. This is good and I like how you've captured her in a pensive state.


august_monsoon April 12 2011, 07:21:04 UTC
Thank you. :)


maichan April 15 2011, 16:50:46 UTC
I don't watch The Good Wife, but I'm still an avid Archie fan. You rendered her beautifully. There's a certain regal quality you managed to imbue her with that's simply gorgeous.


august_monsoon April 15 2011, 16:56:25 UTC
Thank you! Archie is beautiful isn't she? I loved her long before TGW from things like 'Bend It Like Beckham' and 'East Is East' and she's always been fantastic. Kalinda is awesome character as well.


amberdreams April 24 2011, 13:43:08 UTC
Mmm I like the soft smudged eyes and the sweep of the eyebrow is lush.


august_monsoon April 27 2011, 18:53:11 UTC
Thank you, I'm glad it looks good, the smudging and the blending took absolutely forever! <3


zoryatwist October 22 2011, 15:38:00 UTC
oh wow, i don't think i've ever seen her this beautiful
you made her very vulnerable


august_monsoon October 23 2011, 10:02:15 UTC
I love drawing Archie (and Kalinda especially) for the subtleties of her expressions. I'm glad the vulnerability came across! Thank you so much. :))


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