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Comments 52

slinkymilinky April 1 2011, 19:52:41 UTC

It looks so moody and Noir-y; he deserves some hard-boiled dialogue and some plinky-plunky jazz! Love your painting technique, it's lovely and loose. *is jealous*



august_monsoon April 1 2011, 19:57:01 UTC
Aw, thank you, bb! It means a lot coming from you! <33 Noir was exactly what I was going for!

How's the sharp_teeth art going?


slinkymilinky April 1 2011, 20:15:21 UTC

Sharp_teeth is going slooooow, but so far so good, this is gonna take me days though! D:

What are you working on next? x


august_monsoon April 1 2011, 20:24:00 UTC
Can't wait to see it, you've intrigued me with your description so far ( if in a slightly disturbing way)!

oooh, idk- some wee!chester I think, and finishing up on the Deanna/Robo!Sam.

I might go and see what they have at sharp_teeth too, not great with the disturbing though, so we'll see how that goes. :/


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august_monsoon April 1 2011, 20:05:02 UTC
Cas ALWAYS smokes a cigar! ;)

I was actually thinking about how you like Smoking!Cas while I was posting- I'm really glad you liked liked it!

Really, you like the hand? *beams* I was so nervous about that!


Ahaha, then continue, I shall!

Thank you so much for the lovely comment, sweetie! :)<3


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august_monsoon April 1 2011, 20:36:55 UTC
complex positioning
Totally stolen from a reference, but no one needs to know that! :)

Hee, I'm pretty pleased with the smoke meself! :D


smilla02 April 1 2011, 20:10:16 UTC

He also fits the noir!AU I'm writing, so you made me smile so much. It's great having a visual for things.

Love the new Deanna. I'd say you NEED to keep going!


august_monsoon April 1 2011, 20:19:49 UTC
Thank you muchly! <3

noir!AU you say? My favourite! \o/

I'm glad I could make you smile, it's nice being able to do that. I may be tempted to do the art for this, just so you know.

I shall indeed persevere with Deanna/Robo!Sam! :D


smilla02 April 1 2011, 20:24:52 UTC
Just so you know, discovering your art has been one of the best surprises of the last days.

I may be tempted to do the art for this, just so you know.

You say it like it's a bad thing! You just gave me a good push to write faster. \o/

YAY! And after, I so would love to see your take on regular Dean (maybe smoking).


august_monsoon April 1 2011, 20:30:22 UTC
Aw, thank you so much! *beams*

Yes, write, write, write!

You know, I've thought about drawing regular Dean, but the thing is Jensen is so hard to draw! May as well give it a try, I guess!

ACTUALLY, I have the perfect refernece for smoking!Dean, yes, it's a Jensen photo shoot but whatevs, it would look perfect! (except everything looks perfect in my head :/)

I officially love your prompts! YAY \o/


yellow_pomelo April 1 2011, 22:05:46 UTC
Everything is just gorgeous, but I shall start with the concrit cause you asked for it.

Okay, I'm not an artist, but I'll just say this and you can do whatever. It's probably because this is a wip, but something about Sam's back just looks a little weird (like the back of his shoulder is too 2D or his spine is too 3D?)

And now onto the sunshine and rainbows 8D

Your smoking!Cas, so damn badass (and it's a cigar!). His hand is amazingly well done and proportional. I love the angle we see his face from, not to mention the moody colours which just give this a lovely dark kick. And the smoke, the attention to detail - how it curls between his fingers - hnnngggg - goddamn it's good.

As for your Deanna, it's incredible how she actually looks like Dean, but a girl (I mean, her/his face!). Maybe I haven't seen enough girl!Dean art, but no one else seems to have been able to pull this off like you just did.


august_monsoon April 2 2011, 06:01:44 UTC
Sam's back just looks a little weird (like the back of his shoulder is too 2D or his spine is too 3D?)

YES, THIS! It made me give up because I knew something was terribly wrong with it, but I couldn't figure it out, and it made me really sad.But, now I can continue with your insight is mind, thank you! (I blame Jared's oddly muscular back, it's just strange)

Ahaha sunshine and rainbows are my favourite! :DD

Thank you so much for your lovely comments, darling! They really mean a lot. <333


amberdreams April 2 2011, 08:19:08 UTC
Smoking Cas looks like he's escaped from an old B&W Raymond Chandler movie.... Love the lips...


august_monsoon April 2 2011, 08:36:46 UTC
lol, thank you! :) <3


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