Title: Five Things Ravenclaws Are Not
Author: Vashti
Fandom: Harry Potter
Character(s): OCs, Professors
Rating: PG
Summary: Stereotypes are just House-deep.
Length: 268 words
Disclaimer: I don't know you. You don't know me. Let's keep it that way.
Dedication: written for
lieueitak. It's only 6 mths late. That's all ;)
Notes: Written in response to a meme and subsequent fic request by
lieueitak for "5 things Ravenclaws are not." You can read these as sarcastic/tongue-in-cheek or literally. It's up to you.
Notes2: Please note this is written as part of the AU Harry Potter universe created by the
Hogwarts Castle RPG and HP discussion board. Do not be surprised if familiar characters show up in wildly unfamiliar roles.
2. Popular
“Georgina! Georgina, wait!”
The mousy brunette stopped in the hall, clutching her text close to her body. She was doing a side project for Care of Magical Creatures and if she didn’t hold her Monster book tightly it would eat right through the leather straps binding it and make a mess of her books and quills, parchments and inks. Students streamed around her. Her Housemates gave her a quick glance until they saw who was asking her to stop. Then they went scurrying on their merry way. Most of the other students in the hall weren’t in their year, and cared less about why she was stopped so much as her being in their way.
“What do you want, Corey?” He was a handsome enough Fifth Year. His dark blond hair and hazel eyes made the girls in their year go goofy. His abilities as a Beater made the guys envy or despise him, depending on which house was playing Gryffindor that week. Georgie very much expected that he’d have a bevy of followers by Seventh Year unless he did something terribly pea-brained to screw it up.
Catching up to her, he grinned. Georgie had seen him grin before, with his friends out on the grounds when they were just having a good time. This was not a genuine smile. This was a smile meant to impress. She was surprised that he bothered. She was just little, brown mousy Georgie after all. “I need help,” he said.
Well that explained it. “Herbology or Arithmancy?”
“No. I need help with Maryellyanne. I want to ask her out.”