Title: Long Way Down
Author: Vashti (
Fandom: BtVS, Tin Man
Character(s): DG, Oz, assorted Tin Man characters
Rating: G - PG-13
Summary: Oz wasn't looking for a new home when he came over the rainbow, but now that he's here...
Disclaimer: Only the words are mine, and that’s probably up for philosophical debate.
Notes: written for the 2012
tthdrabbles Mod Birthday challenge, and the August 2012
twistedshorts fic-a-day ficathon.
(Untitled) - The Princess' companion smells funny to Tutor.
I Dont Love You (So Why Do I Compete with Other Guys) - Even Wyatt Cain can't stop the changes that have come several years after the Slipper came over the rainbow.
As Long As You're There - DG wonders if Oz is having second thoughts.
Papay Ate My Baby - Starting a musical revolution is okay with Oz, but the OZ has a scene he already likes.
Porcelain - The last time DG went on a hunting party she didn't find anything. She's not hunting this time. This time, she already has what she's looking for.
Purple Haze - Azkadella helps Oz find a gift for DG...but she's not entirely sure it's appropriate.
Snow Day - DG and Oz argue. Sorta. It's hard to argue with a force of nature.