More than half this series is currently hosted on my personal journal, making it hard to navigate. With that I mind, I've created this master post. Don't be surprised if clicking on a story sends you to another page. It's still me, just not me on August 85th. I'll update this page as I go along.
If you're not familiar with the series, it's a non-chronological Buffy/Oz which explores how their friendship leads to a romance that sneaks up on them both.
Interstice - interstice: (1a) a space that intervenes between things; especially : one between closely spaced things; (1b) a gap or break in something generally continuous; (2) a short space of time between events. (This is something of a pre-qual to the series. As in I wrote it before I had solidified that there would be a series and now don't know where it belongs.)
Cantaloupe Island - “And this is what you’ve doing with your Fridays all winter? When we weren’t fighting for our lives, I mean.”
Closet - Why is Buffy always the last to know?
What You Can Do With an Hour - Willow needs Oz's help in dealing with her recalcitrant patient.
Different From Every Other Time You Tried It - There are rules.
Love Ridden - "Love ridden I've looked at you...but I can't tonight, baby." Fiona Apple
Sometimes a Spade is a Spade - There's a lot of talking, but not as much listening.
It Already Is:
Part 1 and
Part 2 - When Buffy acts strangely during her photography class assignments Oz knows something’s wrong, but no one expected this.