[Fanfic] Hot-air balloon

Nov 12, 2011 00:12

Title: Hot-air balloon
Pairing: Haehyuk
Rating: PG
Genre: AU, Angst
Length: One-shot, 892 words
Summary: The shooting stars we encountered are the token of our love

The shooting stars we encountered are the token of our love )

fandom: eunhyuk, fandom: super junior, fandom: donghae, fanfic: drabbles

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Comments 32

yourletterbomb November 11 2011, 16:26:14 UTC


audacioushoney November 11 2011, 16:35:34 UTC
<3 sleep tight laopo!


yourletterbomb November 12 2011, 05:26:05 UTC
you need to write more songfics \o/

my heart breaks when hyukjae started shouting at donghae and even threw things, and also when donghae kept saying sorry )8


audacioushoney November 12 2011, 13:28:12 UTC
Heh :3

)8, /fixes your heart back<3
Thank you laopo for reading ^^


bluelf13 November 11 2011, 16:38:50 UTC
T^T beautiful and sad at the same time... will Eunhae make up? /hopeful eyes

thanks for sharing hehe~! ^^


audacioushoney November 11 2011, 17:13:18 UTC
Thank you!
Nope, they won't ;o;

Thank you for reading and commenting! :D


mochijang November 11 2011, 16:38:59 UTC
It feels kinda long for a drabble, but I liked it.
I love how the relationship is symbolized by the hot air-balloon! It was a new idea. Really nice idea! (Even though it was sad.)
So what is Donghae's and Eunhuuk's relationship now? I'm a bit unsure of the ending. Because Donghae was saying sorry and then Eunhuik was saying sorry. But I think they never got back together...? Since hyuk was drilling crying in the rain outside of their basket. Nice Drabble!


audacioushoney November 11 2011, 17:20:19 UTC
Haha, but I thought the opposite way - it feels too short for an one-shot xD

Thank you dear <3

They broke off. The part where Donghae apologised was Hyukjae's flashback. They had a fight but they made up - bc Donghae was very forgiving and understanding. The part where Hyukjae apologised was when after recollecting everything, he felt that he took Donghae for granted. So he kind of regretted. Hope this clears your doubts! :D

And thanks again for reading and commenting n_n

P/s: I've missed you dear ;A;


burntsienna18 November 11 2011, 16:40:01 UTC
it's so beautiful...
and the ending is so good T_T
thank you so much for sharing this


audacioushoney November 11 2011, 17:21:05 UTC
You're very welcomed :D
Thank you for reading and commenting!


farahaehyuk November 11 2011, 17:17:08 UTC
sobs, Joanne.
it's so good.
i'm crying. ;____ ;


audacioushoney November 11 2011, 17:21:31 UTC
Thank you bb, for reading and commenting<3


farahaehyuk November 11 2011, 17:38:28 UTC
fix back my broken heart ;___ ;


audacioushoney November 11 2011, 17:44:48 UTC
/picks up the broken pieces and tapes them back to their rightful position ;;


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