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Comments 10

xatsieh September 6 2010, 20:38:23 UTC
I hate to think that friendships are like candles, but usually that's what they turn out to appear like.

I love action/fantasy though. XD


aubschoosesjoy September 6 2010, 20:51:57 UTC
I know, I hate to think of them that way but that's what they usually are.

And yay!! Well, I wrote my first chapter and I'm going to try to put it up tomorrow :]


xatsieh September 6 2010, 21:01:05 UTC
Great! Can't wait to see it. :D


alphien September 7 2010, 18:34:40 UTC
Hey! It's great to find a fellow writer! I'd love to read your stuff, if you don't mine, just to offer advice and critique and whatnot. Of course, I'd really appreciate it if you'd do the same for me, :P.

And I'm sorry to hear about your friend. I know how that goes, unfortunately.

Have a great day!


aubschoosesjoy September 7 2010, 20:31:36 UTC
Hey! It's nice to meet you too! I swear, I should've joined LiveJournal a long time ago! I'm meeting so many awesome people. XD
And sure, I'm going to post lots of writing and random musings on here, and would really appreciate the critiques. :]
And of course I'll do the same for you!


measureofchaos September 7 2010, 21:49:30 UTC
i adore it when people post new music for me to love. i'm friending you :) Can't wait to read the first chapter!


Heyy! aubschoosesjoy September 7 2010, 22:03:05 UTC
I know!!! Me too!
Totally friending you back :]
And thanks! Actually typing it up right now, figuring out the "LJ Cut" Haha.


Re: Heyy! measureofchaos September 7 2010, 22:13:52 UTC
Yeah i just did something similar. i admit it took me a couple of tries :-/


Re: Heyy! aubschoosesjoy September 7 2010, 23:13:22 UTC
Same here, but now I think I 've got the hang of it...*I Stress the word 'Think' Haha.*


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