Being blessed.

Nov 25, 2010 07:33

Even with Thanksgiving looming, I hadn't thought of thankfulness that much lately, until my yoga class on Monday. The instructor talked at length about thankfulness in a variety of ways and told us to think about things during our practice and meditation that maybe surprised or inspired us today ( Read more... )


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Comments 19

tefen November 25 2010, 16:39:48 UTC
An excellent post for this holiday. I was drafting something in my head, but it was focused on all the wrong things. Thanks for reminding me to appreciate what I've got.


aubkabob November 25 2010, 16:53:37 UTC
Well, thank you, kind sir. I hadn't planned on making a post like this at all, as it seems so... over posted, but I had half created it in a comment to a post by cmerun12, and I figured it would be a good start.

Even at my hardest times, I try to remind myself that it can certainly be worse.

Which reminds me of a news story that my brother and I watched on tv last night - the announcers said something like "A bride's WORST NIGHTMARE - the boutique carrying her wedding gown burned to the ground 24 hours before the wedding!!!" To which I turned to Jess and said, "Wouldn't having your entire family mauled by a bear during your wedding be a bit MORE of a 'worst nightmare'?"


tefen November 25 2010, 17:15:56 UTC
Agreed! I don't know if she's the originator, but dryad271 labels such things first world problems. It does help to keep it in perspective.


aubkabob November 25 2010, 17:17:15 UTC
You were so emphatic about your response, you just had to say it twice!


msanborn November 25 2010, 17:53:57 UTC
*lovies you* I've got a lot of things to be grateful, thankful for too even when other things are falling down. I think it's how we decide to handle these blips in our cosmos that makes us who we are, those that can see and appreciate the good (as in what you wrote), or those that remain bitter and never see the beauty in life.

*hugs on you*


aubkabob November 25 2010, 18:00:43 UTC
There are some people that see EVERYTHING as a negative, like a coworker who bitches about what's wrong with her drinks that someone bought FOR her as a gift. ("I SPOSE I can drink it. It's cold, so it'll be difficult to manage." or "It isn't what I asked for, so I don't want it.", etc.) I often wonder at what a miserable existence people like that must live, as it seems like they can see NOTHING as a positive.

Many, many moons ago, when I was in my teens, I was one of these people. I worked many years to change my school of thinking around, and it has made me an infinitely happier person because of it.

P.S. - I've missed you dear!


msanborn November 25 2010, 20:01:04 UTC
What gets me, is exactly that - I have people that have longed for certain things and then once they have them, they complain about every negative aspect of what they now have instead of appreciating the fact of 1. getting what they wanted and 2. weighing and appreciating the positives instead of the negatives.

*hugs you*


aubkabob November 25 2010, 20:19:20 UTC
This is also why said coworker doesn't get invites to parties. I had a boyfriend that broke up with me when I was a teenager because of my radiating negativity. I never want to be that person again - not just for inner peace's sakes, but also for the sanity of those around me.


view_from_here November 25 2010, 19:25:17 UTC
Thank you for being around!


aubkabob November 25 2010, 19:27:51 UTC
Thank you for always being here when I return!


view_from_here November 25 2010, 19:29:32 UTC
Of course, I know you don't ever go too far :)


(The comment has been removed)

aubkabob November 26 2010, 22:04:45 UTC
To ya mutha?


sugarblind November 26 2010, 18:11:42 UTC
Aub, I know I don't comment much, but I want you to know I have been reading your posts, and you have my endless sympathy-- really, empathy. I was in a similar position last Thanksgiving and I didn't know how I was going to survive, but the people around me kept me afloat. I'm profoundly glad you have a good support system right now, and so very impressed by your ability to step back and appreciate even the bad things as much as you can.

With love,


aubkabob November 26 2010, 22:02:55 UTC
This response means a LOT to me, you have no idea!

Thank you very much, luv.

I also know that everything works out in the end, though we may not see how it will do so until then.


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