Пн, 15:30: RT @ DeathStarPR: Famous Last Words: "You mean their WHOLE assault is ONE farm kid? We're FINE! Hey, you had that exhaust port covered, right
Sat, 12:57: RT @ DoctorLongscarf: On Halloween I'm watching a horror film abt a boy and the ghost of an old man who convinces him to kill thousands o ...
Ср, 18:03: RT @ DeathStarPR: Darth Vader may be a "homicidal maniac" but name ONE person who's done more to raise awareness for asthmatic amputees. ...
Tue, 16:11: Just turned twitter back on. Still pooped from Alchemy. Had a blast.
Tue, 17:22: RT @ DrBlinkShrink: There's a legion of super heroes who get their power from a green tongue stud. They look really stupid when they're r ...