I'd hate to see what happens if he really went rebellious

Aug 30, 2011 18:11

Characters: Warren open
Date&Time: August 25th, late afternoon
Setting: just outside main doors
Summary: New arrival
Rating: hm… safe?
Status: Open like… *Behaves here*

the wind guided him where to go / Like an eagle high above he flew )

warren worthington iii

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Comments 6

reborninflames August 31 2011, 08:15:43 UTC
Jean was passing through the foyer on her way to... somewhere, she hadn’t quite decided her exact destination yet, when she heard the oddest sound. Someone knocking on the door. Actually knocking.

That was strangely polite of whoever it was. Maybe she’d just gotten used to the people in the mansion, and the fact people weren’t flooding in like it seemed they had been... but she found herself curious. Opening her mind just enough to get a sense of them (she didn’t get the sense that they meant any harm; they were probably there to see Professor Xavier and perhaps join their strange band of misfits), she opened the door.



horsemanofdeath August 31 2011, 08:22:55 UTC
Warren looked at the red head a moment. "Hi, huh, I'm here to talk to the Professor?"

There might have been a thought or two picked up about how hot she looked, but he didn't say anything at least, he was trying to be a gentleman at least. "I'm Warren, he invited me."


reborninflames August 31 2011, 08:29:53 UTC
Jean had been right, and she hadn’t even needed to read his mind. But - oh! That... she hadn’t expected that. Not... thoughts about HER. The newcomer, Warren, he said his name was, might have noticed the faint blush colouring her cheeks.

Quickly rebuilding her mental shields (and chastising herself for having left them at less than full strength in the first place), she stepped aside, gesturing for him to come into the mansion. “I thought as much. The Professor’s office is down at the end of the hall. I’ll show you the way.”


horsemanofdeath August 31 2011, 08:36:34 UTC
Yes he caught the blush, there was a small smile as he nodded. "Thanks, I take it you're a student here?" He hadn't felt the mental intrusion at least.

He shifted a little, there was a sound muffled by his jacket, after all he wasn't ready to show off just yet.


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