Sweetest Price

Aug 14, 2011 19:37

Characters: EVIL!ALEX & JAY
Date&Time: August 14/night
Setting: the dreaded freezer
Summary: Jay's dropping by to say goodbye.
Rating: TRAGIC.
Status: Open to Jay.

the day the whole world went away.'>
After Angel's visit, he was filled with dread every time someone walked into the freezer. Not wanting another lecture about how he was slacking and not helping them return the Alex they knew, he glanced towards the door in irritation. His shoulder ached, even if his leg was healing fine. Logan's 'visit' had set his healing back, and he was in no mood to deal with anyone else.

When he saw that it was the cute redhead, he relaxed a little bit, but not much.

"Something I can do for you, Sweetheart?" Alex asked her sarcastically.

alex summers, jay guthrie

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