spn_j2_bigbang 2010: claim 2: season ticket on a one-way ride

Jul 20, 2010 22:15

Here is my art for the amazing Season Ticket on a One-Way Ride by darksilvercat. You should probably go read it before looking at any of the artwork, not only because it is awesome, but because there are spoilers within.

Fic Rating: NC-17
Pairings: Dean/Castiel
Summary:Before Castiel breaks Dean out of the green room in 4.22, he breaks Anna out of prison. With two angels on Team Free Will, the apocalypse takes a different course. Some things change, some things stay the same, and the world is going to Hell in a handbasket, but in the midst of it all, Dean finds a way to hold his family together. Warning: Character Death.

All images should be SFW (The one possible exception is noted below and won't be apparent unless you view the full-size version.) Click images to see them full-sized (dimensions are listed).

Seriously, there are spoilers for the fic below.

Fic Cover:

(1200 x 1600px)

Story Art:

(750 x 1053px)

Anna at St. Mary's.

(1640 x 1120px)

Cas on the plains of Africa.

(750 x 750px)

Chuck remembering the destruction of the convention.

(1024 x 768px)

Jo and Ellen in front of the new Roadhouse.

(800 x 720px)

Lucifer invades Dean's dream.

Stop! Have you read the fic yet? If no, go here. If yes, proceed.

(900 x 1000px)

Jimmy sacrifices himself.

(1111 x 700px)

Cas in the aftermath.

(1200 x 720px)

Anna prepared to face Lucifer.

(800 x 600px)

I knew when I read the fic I wanted a scene with these three together. They are awesome x3.

(1400 x 1600px)

Tthe goriest picture. Featuring badass Sam and a severed leg, so if your workplace frowns on bloody scenes, give this one a pass.

(1280 x 980px)

Cas and Crowley at the crossroads.

(1000 x 720px)

Crowley reading the Supernatural book. darksilvercat's Crowley voice is fantastic. I giggled throughout this scene.

(800 x 600px)


(1100 x 1100px)

Creepy Lucifer with Meg invading the salvage yard.

(900 x 500px)

The Jo vs. Meg showdown.

(1400 x 720px)

A representation of the final scene, rather than an exact depiction.

Mix Covers:

Click to be taken to the fabulous mix made by

Screencaps: lizard_lair, HOTN-CAPS.com, rawr_caps
Textures: kiho-chan, _sinelinea, discolore
Stock: stock.xchange
Brushes: The wing brushes used are from Falln-Stock.
Fonts: dafont.com

Notes: I had so much fun working on art for this fic. For the past two months it has been my fall back 'something to do while watching tv or doing other mindless tasks' project. I don't know what I'll do with myself now (other than spn_reversebang, which you should all sign up for).

Thanks so much to darksilvercat for writing such a great fic and putting up with my frequent emails and questions. Also to all my #safespace friends for looking over things when I asked. And of course thanks to wendy and thehighwaywoman for running the challenge.

This entry was originally posted at http://kristin.dreamwidth.org/32869.html. Feel free to comment where you feel more comfortable.

big bang, things i have made, castiel is the prettiest bamf, supernatural

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