Deep under the sea...

Sep 08, 2007 09:37

Deep under the sea, the Decepticon underwater base, Terradessa-1, waits quietly for whoever may arrive. Decades ago, it bustled with a full complement of Decepticons, preparing the way for Megatron's conquest of Cybertron and Earth and anything else in reach. Now it's almost empty; only a few inhabitants linger on--those in charge of the ( Read more... )

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Comments 22

attair_al_fada September 8 2007, 17:14:22 UTC
Starscream steps through, a small figure riding on his shoulder.

"Welcome to Terradessa-1, Betawave, Avatar. It's our old undersea base--not the Nemesis, as some confused people seem to think. That got lost on re-entry four million years ago. The core of this complex is the Nemesis II, the starship we built to return to Cybertron, before Shockwave perfected his spacebridge."

Starscream waves a hand vaguely at his surroundings. "It's been mostly mothballed, so there won't be a bunch of interfering busybodies asking what I'm up to here, yet it is still well-equipped. Hmm... now, my lab, or the Constructicons' old lab. Mine, I think."

With that, he turns and strides off the the left, opening a private channel to yet another entity...

// Strata, Starscream. Are you busy? //


strataseeker September 8 2007, 17:33:38 UTC
Well, perhaps not all the inhabitants of the old Decepticon base are Decepticons, although, that determination might depend on just exactlty how one defined the term "inhabitant". Echoshift had assigned Strata and Photon quarters here, after all.

At the moment, however, the red Autobot Seeker isn't skulking about the confines of those quarters, but is, instead, seated in the sandy dust at the very edge of the boundary of a certain human military instalation, her sensors tuned to maximum, watching the human pilots put their frail human-built machines through their paces. No one has come rumbling out in jeep or Humvee to chase her away yet, so she studies what her optics and her sensors tell her and absorb the ruthless combat tactics these humans use.

// Not especially, // she replies promptly. // What can I do for you? //


attair_al_fada September 8 2007, 18:16:30 UTC
// I have a technically challenging rebuild to perform--a mech from a future timeline. Would you and Photon be interested in assisting? If so, I am at the undersea base. //


strataseeker September 8 2007, 19:39:10 UTC
// A rebuild? // Strata chirps, all youthful eagerness to be invited to assist. // We'll be there ASAP ( ... )


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